Essential Packing List
for a Long Trip

I traveled for 4.5 months with 1 carry on bag and a back-pack. I made some mistakes with my own packing list. Here are some things I learned so that you can avoid learning the hard way. What makes packing most difficult on lengthy trips is weather changes. Luckily, we chased the sun. (Tip: chase…

Travel Quotes That Inspire

Traveling inspires. Travel teaches. Travel is so much more than a getaway.  Below is a round-up of wisdom that highlights the heart and soul of traveling, overlaid atop some of my very own trip captures. What are some of your favorite sayings for the wanderlust? INSPIRATIONAL TRAVEL QUOTES “One’s destination is never a place, but always a new…

Pooches of the World

There’s only one thing I love more than traveling…and that is pups. When these two forces collide, I’m pretty sure it feels a lot like attaining enlightenment.  This could be a wild idea, but I feel like I am not alone in this sentiment…which is exactly why I put together a melt-worthy compilation of 11 pooches from across…

Simply Wanderfull Welcome

That’s me! In my element. I have a very unfortunate and fortunate addiction — exploring. This planet carries such beautiful secrets and is far too vast to stay put in one place. When I have the opportunity to save, I save for drifting. Through bright cultures, vibrant landscapes, and lively experiences. After 20+ countries, I feel like it’s a disservice not to share my journeys–the peaks AND the valleys. My hope is to help any other explorers (whether they are on a weekend whirl or a backpack bender) to magnify and escalate their adventure in the cities they hit the tarmac in.