Collective Crisis:How and Why People Respond so Differently to Fear

When life-threatening emergencies arise, fear begins to work in mysterious ways and it invokes a wide-range of individual responses. To better understand collective crisis and process the seemingly odd behavior of others, let’s demystify the varying degrees of fear response. More importantly, building awareness around why you may react in a certain way and why…

Ways Rejection Plays With Your Mind and Relationships

What is Rejection Sensitivity? We have an intrinsic need to belong, to be accepted. And when the approval we seek is shunned, we flail. Bottom line? Rejection is agonizing! It tricks us into questioning our abilities, our likeableness, our worth. It even affects us physically by slowing down our heart rate when we experience its…

The Wrath of Perfectionism

Perfectionism on Self “Perfectionism is just an excuse for self-criticism.” – Sharon Marton In only some cases, perfectionism is understandably valued. For example, when designing a world-renowned bridge that is safe enough for thousands of people to cross on the daily. But in reality, most of our own undertakings do not require perfectionism. In fact, they…